Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example Discussion In a rhetorical analysis, one attempts to analyse how the artist (speakers/authors/filmmakers) attempt to persuade, motivate, and/or acquaint their audiences by viewing the different components that combine to make up the persuasive art (Black, 1965). Thus, we can say that rhetorical analysis is: Rhetoric Persuasive art Analysis Disintegrating something into its component parts, in order to interpret and understand how the broken down parts fit together and combine to form the final thing. Components of rhetoric: Rhetoric is generally divided into certain basic key areas: 1. Purpose: This comprises of trying to comprehend the intended objective of a speech or a text matter. 2. Audience: here one must try to locate the targeted audience, since a speaker/author's intended audience plays a significant role in the manner in which the speaker/writer addresses the targeted audience. 3. ... Logos: The appeal of logos refers to the application of reasoning by the speaker/author to address his audience. This is evident in the use of the statistical representations, legal analysis, definitions, and comparative analysis. There are various aspects within a rhetorical analysis: 1. Verbal Rhetoric (written and/or spoken) V/O narration; monologue, dialogue, captions, mode of address (formal/informal, eg ‘George’, ‘Mr Bush’, or ‘President’) 2. Presentational Rhetoric Tone of voice (as for example the differences in the tone of voice between the radio jockeys of two different stations) Style of dress Nature of setting Non-verbal communication Features in setting (as for example, authority of speaker enhanced by quiet location, bookshelves, pot plants, etc.; diminished by bustle, competing voices, etc) 3. Photographic (Framing) Rhetoric Type of shot (for enabling viewers to identify with a character’s emotions) Camera movements (moveme nt of the frame) Movement of objects in relation to camera (movement within the frame) 4. Editing Rhetoric Editing creates responses by juxtaposing images Editing rhetoric is conventional but dynamic Conventions themselves change over time (as for example, the passing of time) Speed of cutting – increased over time. Why might this be? Case study 1: Rhetorical analysis of the end scenario in Shawshank redemption The Shawshank Redemption is a movie where the chief protagonist Andy Dufreine maintained his hope even in face of daily tribulations and ordeals, he faced during his prison, this rhetoric was communicated to the audience through the perfect use of verbal, photographic, presentation and editing rhetoric throughout the entire movie.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Academic Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Academic Skills - Essay Example twentieth century, when the world was moving towards immense development at a global level, Nigeria was experiencing high unemployment, weak economy, abandoned and ruined educational system, high poverty, increased corruption and other malpractices in the private and public sectors, increased rates of crime, international criticism and imposed sanctions, and a bad management system. Okonkwo (p.58), along with other leaders, sociologists, and researchers advocated a strong need for a revamped and innovated educational system. Although the need for good education was recognized at the beginning of this century, or even earlier dating back to the colonial period (Ajayi, 420), researches conducted in recent times have also identified these or very similar needs. For example, Odia and Omofonmwan (p.81) have identified specific problems related to the educational system such as decline in standard, deterioration of facilities, examination malpractices, mass promotion syndrome and others. Ajibade stated, ‘Many Nigerian elites, going by the quality of their contributions to debates, are suffering from acute â€Å"intellectual malnutrition.† It is now pretty difficult to fight ignorance in Nigeria, a country which the World Bank report for 1991 says is the 13th poorest nation in the world. The per capita income of an average Nigerian hardly permits him the luxury of getting information materials. Not many Nigerians can afford the exorbitant prices of books.’ (qtd. in Ihonvbere, 73). This indicates two factors affecting the Nigerian education, firstly the standard of education and secondly, socioeconomics of the nation. In fact, academic crises and strength of sociopolitical conditions are interdependent. On similar terms, Odia and Omofonmwan (p.82) pointed out that education in the contemporary times has become the privilege of the affordable masses, and a business with great earning potential for the educationalists. Their research discovered that most of the