Wednesday, December 25, 2019

What to Expect From Gre Argument Essay Samples Templates?

What to Expect From Gre Argument Essay Samples Templates? It's possible to then practice replicating successful connections between ideas in your practice essays. Since you can see there are a whole lot of templates and topics to refer on. It isn't only a trial of his thinking capabilities, but in addition, it checks his writing abilities. Explain the vehicle connection better. Essentially, you're taking a position on an intricate issue. There are a few cardinal affairs you must understand. It's possible that while explaining your stand, you divert from the subject and get started discussing another situation. Also a reminder you can work with me if you're searching for issue essay feedback. The Chronicles of Gre Argument Essay Samples Templates Not only do you have to read through GRE sample essays, but you must also look for topics on which you may write GRE sample essays yourself and have them evaluated. In several other tests, you will be shown the gre essay topics t o write about. GRE Essay Sample are available at ETS GRE website. The writing sample is a far lower priority than GRE prep, thus we recommend that you jump ahead to the GRE program. If writing essays isn't your forte, then you must sit up and take stock of the sum of preparation you'll need for getting a great score in the Analytical Writing test section of the GRE. However you get ready for the essays, make sure you at least write a couple of each type before you take the actual GRE. There are scores and scores of mock essays on the web, and with a very simple google search, you can get access to different essays for the GRE. The grading happens instantaneously, and after you submit your essay, you will get a composite AWA score, together with a variety of metrics on which your essay was graded. While reading, it's also wise to make note of all of the unfamiliar words and later learn them. Last, the detail of true speech makes the scene pop. One of the absolute most important features about a compelling essay is its capacity to convince the reader with sound logical reasoning. Amazing style is far more elusive. Some people think that so as to thrive, a society must put its very own general success before the well-being of its unique citizens. By way of example, in a country like Canada, where health care is absolutely free to all citizens, the potential for heart disease is on the increase. Now, a lot of people don't know the best ways of tackling gre essay topics. Government subsidized programs like welfare and Medicaid continue to perpetuate the myth that all folks, no matter their true need, ought to be eligible for unlimited government assistance by simply virtue of being born in the usa. The Basics of Gre Argument Essay Samples Templates You're not being requested to talk about your point of view on the argument. In creating an argument, make sure that you nitpick. Furthermore, the argument isn't convincing until we know how we are going to be able to find the resources gathered from different worlds to our own Earth. This argument is merely stupid. Gre Argument Essay Samples Templates Options At this time you mu st understand that writing a fantastic gre essay is dependent on the kind of topic you pick, so you must consider certain things before you opt for a topic. You'll observe a similar structure in several of the essays. It's here that you're told to pick the gre essay topics to write on. Were going to present you with an illustration of a comprehensive gre issue essay. Bear in mind that lots of distinct essays can make high scores. The essays are broken up into two. More creative suggestions on how to receive your essay graded here. These seven sample essays respond to a range of thought-provoking questions. You might discover that you are able to use a number of them for many essays don't let the very first thing that springs to mind box you in. You concentrate on the validity or otherwise of the arguments provided in the essay. So, ideally, you need to have a structure in mind before you get started writing the essay. The fundamental structure of essays is the exact same everywhere, and this site is very beneficial in grading your essays. Thus, ensure you've got solid points, and clear logical reasoning that can be readily understood. Should you do, you've started failing the test already. There are a couple of other important explanations for why you shouldn't skip off AWA during practice, and we've discussed them separately. You will get your essay scores approximately 10-15 days following your test date.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Psychology Cognitive Psychology And Psychology - 980 Words

A Cognitive Psychology 1064 Words 5 Pages Cognitive psychology began around 19th century. Different approaches have been used to trace the roots of psychology. It is also known that cognitive psychology was out numbered by behaviorism but later revived, bringing into being cognitive revolution. The paper discusses cognitive revolution in the history of cognitive psychology as the most influential part in the practice of modern psychology. Introduction A scientific branch of psychology that is concerned with the study of cognition is referred to as cognitive psychology. Cognition has aspects involved in mental processes that include perception, attention, memory, problem solving, reasoning, and decision making. Perception is associated†¦show more content†¦It continues today in the research of cognition. For instance, neurophysiology is reached through neuroscience and biochemistry for better understanding of cognition. Cognitive revolution provided information-processing approach as a new way of mind study. Introduction of digital computers, devices of processing information, inspired many psychologists who began to view mind in the basis of information processing. The ability of computers to process information in stages captured the attention of many cognitive psychologists. By understanding that information in a computer as it is first received by input processor, then storage in memory unit follows, and lastly processing in arithmetic unit, many cognitive psychologists experimented and applied this layout. For instance, Goldstein (2007) shows that Cherry, a psychologist, experimented on attention where he presented two different messages at a go to people and later told them to repeat the messages. He realized that people pay attention to one message among many. He also deduced that the amount of information dealt with have limits. In addition, Broadbent, also a cognitive psychologist, came up with a flow diagram that represented occurrence of events in one’s mind as attention is directed to a single environmental stimulus. WithShow MoreRelatedCognitive Psychology Essay1294 Words   |  6 PagesEvolution of Cognitive Psychology Plynia Welty Psych 560 June 11, 2012 Brian Uldall Evolution of Cognitive Psychology Cognitive psychology embarked on a revolutionary journey since the era of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Dr. King, 2012). St. Aquinas was the pioneering mind behind the idea that behavior can be divided into two areas, cognitive and effect. Logging empirical research on a subject provides practitioners a comprehensive view of the subject matter (Dr. King, 2012). In relationRead MoreCognitive psychology  . Essay5542 Words   |  23 PagesCognitive psychology  is the study of  mental processes. The  American Psychological Association  defines cognitive psychology as The study of higher mental processes such as  attention, language use,  memory,  perception, problem solving, and  thinking.[1]  Much of the work derived from cognitive psychology has been integrated into various other modern disciplines of psychological study including  social psychology,  personality psychology,  abnormal psychology,  developmental psychology, and  educational psychologyRead M oreThe Theory Of Cognitive Psychology Essay2350 Words   |  10 Pagesyou are constantly employing cognitive processes in order to function throughout the day. The term for the study of these cognitive processes is cognitive psychology. Rutgers University defines cognitive psychology as â€Å"the scientific study of mind and mental function, including learning, memory, attention, perception, reasoning, language, conceptual development, and decision making†. One area of these cognitive processes is called wayfinding. It contains several cognitive processes such as knowing theRead MoreCognitive Psychology And Human Behavior930 Words   |  4 PagesCognitive psychology has evolved over the years. Researchers are constantly trying to find new ways to understand and define the human brain. Our memory is quite important in how we function on a day-to-day basis. Our memories help us to remember important functions such as combing our hair, brushing our teeth or getting dressed in the morning. Memories also help us to learn more information. Cognitive psychology refers to the study of human mental processes and their role of thinking, feeling, andRead MoreDifference Between Cognitive And Cognitive Psychology1389 Words   |  6 Pagestwo different approaches to Cognitive Psychology This essay will be focused on two different approaches to cognitive psychology: Cognitive Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neuroscience. Cognitive Neuropsychology is concerned with the patterns of cognitive performance and emphasis on the cognitive effects of brain-damaged patients who suffered lesions, injuries or diseases, providing vest information on normal human cognition. (Eysenck and Keane 2015, p.5) Whereas cognitive neuroscience involves in-depthRead MoreDevelopmental Psychology : Cognitive Development1816 Words   |  8 PagesDevelopmental psychology focuses mainly on development during childhood because it is the period when most change is occurring biologically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively. Amongst these areas of developmental psychology, I will focus on cognitive development in children between the ages of 1 and 4. In adulthood, cognitive performance is correlated with the amount of sleep. Sleep allows for consolidation of memory and neural mechanisms (Bernier,2 013). Therefore, an increase in sleep durationRead MoreComparing Two Approaches to Cognitive Psychology1423 Words   |  6 Pages Cognitive psychology is concerned with the internal processes involved in making sense of the environment and deciding what action may be appropriate. These processes include attention, perception, learning and reasoning, (Eysenck and Keane, 2010).There are a number of approaches which can be used within this field, however for the purposes of the essay only two will be compared; cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology. The aims of cognitive neuroscientists are often similar to those of cognitiveRead MoreCognitive Psychology And The Management And Treatment Of Mental Illness1352 Words   |  6 Pagesstrengths and weaknesses and there similarities and differences. AC1.1, AC3.1 Biological psychology looks at the biological aspects of behaviour. It looks at how the brain s structure, chemistry, activity and genetic make-up etc. relates to behaviour. Cognitive psychology focuses on the way the brain processes information, how people perceive, understand, make decisions about and remember information. Cognitive psychologists would put information in to be processed and then see what the brain doesRead MorePsychology: Research Methods in Cognitive Level of Analysis1141 Words   |  5 PagesResearch Methods in Cognitive Level of Analysis There are 3 research methods can be used in cognitive level of analysis. They are lab experiments, case studies of patients with brain-damage, and brain imaging techniques. The methods are basically the same methods used in biological level of analysis. These methods are useful depending how the researchers want to study the cognitive process. One of the most scientific ways to study mental processes is through lab experiments because the highRead MorePsychology : Cognitive Psychology And Psychology1154 Words   |  5 Pagescome are explained by Cognitive psychology. With these necessary functions, you may wonder, just what is cognitive Psychology? Cognitive psychology is a branch of psychology that covers the mental processes of how people receive, retain and grasp information and situations. The term â€Å"cognition† stems from the Latin word â€Å" cognoscere† or to know. Basically, cognitive psychology studies how people acquire and apply knowledge or information. It is closely related to cognitive science and influenced

Monday, December 9, 2019

Marketing Management Corporate Finance

Questions: 1. Identify the concept of corporate objectives and evaluate an organisation with information available in the public domain.2. Discuss marketing orientation concepts (i.e. the marketing concept, the selling concept or production concept). Explain with examples which concept(s) your organisation follows.3. What is your organisation's core marketing strategy? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current marketing strategy and explain how this strategy will help your organisation reach its corporate objectives. Answers: 1. The concept of corporate objective relates to a business in entirety. Corporate objective is given the topmost priority and focuses on the performance and results of the performance of a business. Corporate objectives generally comprise eight key areas such as customer satisfaction, market share, use of technology, products, supplies, development and promotion, ethical and social behavior, and the structure of management. To summarize, corporate objectives is defined by the aims and goals that a company sets up. A company strives to achieve those goals and gain maximum profit. It includes accomplishing the set activities, goals and targets within a specified period of time (Mauboussin Rappaport, 2015). Eagle Pizza Boys has been delivering pizzas in Australia since 1987. The corporate aim of Eagle Pizza Boys is to become one of the leading franchisers of Australia. This is an objective which the company has already achieved. The company has attained its goal of providing sustainable, healthy, tasty, and quality products to its customers ( Moreover, the aim of the company is to expand itself globally. The very fact that the company had opened as a single pizza store and has grown to become of the best pizza makers in Australia shows that the company has achieved its goal of expansion. The company has always focused on delivering great size, value, and taste of its pizzas. Also, the company strives to provide a better customer service and satisfaction. 2. The concept of marketing orientation involves monitoring the actions of the competitors and to analyze the effect on the preference of the consumers. Marketing orientation focuses on delivering products based on the choice, needs, requirements, and desires of the customers. Eagle Boys Pizza has launched its marketing campaign. Since the people of Australia are quite health conscious, the company has launched a variety of pizzas of different flavors and that are low in fat content. The company has recently launched 31 new menu items and has campaigned through television, advertisement, radio, and point of sale material. The company has adopted the strategy of entry price at effective price. For a start up business in a different location or away from the country, the company ensures that the start- up price of the products is less. Next, to improve its customer service, the company has incorporated training programs. This includes marketing, staff training, in- hose administrative, and management programs. The aim is to provide better customer services (Mullins et al., 2012). 3. The present objective of the company is to expand itself to local areas in Australia and also abroad. For this, the company has adopted the marketing strategy of flexible store options. The company now provides the option of choosing stores to the customers. Consumers can now choose and pick up stores according to the size, outfit and layout. The company has drive thru, dine in, and small kiosks as its store options. People can now choose from this range of stores. The price of the products may vary depending upon the kind of store. This strategy is aimed for customers who prefer to dine out at better places. The aim is to provide services to the local customers (Kotler et al., 2015). Strengths- This strategy adopted by the company would be helpful to the company if it is able to appeal to the target audience. People looking for Eagle pizzas would now be able to enjoy pizzas in their local community. Moreover, setting up stores in local communities would reduce the cost of delivering pizzas door to door. Weaknesses- The Company may open stores in local areas and people may go to stores according to their choice. But most of the customers prefer quality and price value over the place. Many people may not think it plausible to buy pizzas at high prices just because of a high quality store ( References Mauboussin, M. J., Rappaport, A. (2015). Transparent Corporate ObjectivesA Win?Win for Investors and the Companies They Invest In.Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,27(2), 28-33. Mullins, J., Walker, O. C., Boyd Jr, H. W. (2012).Marketing management: A strategic decision-making approach. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Manceau, D., Hmonnet-Goujot, A. (2015).Marketing management(Vol. 14). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Walt Essays - The Walt Disney Company, Walt,

Walt Disney This book is about the life of Walt Disney, an American legend. The Arthur begins the tale with a view of the family before Walt Disney's birth on December 5,1901. In the first few pages after it goes on into describing the child within the man, his humor and his innocent view of the world through child's eyes. The next few chapters go on to describe various jobs he took as a child, the family conflicts within the home and the stern father that commanded obedience. The book touches slightly on how his brothers one by one left home, mainly because of disagreements with the father. It depicts the struggle of a young artist constantly trying to better himself and the fierce determination to succeed. Walt Disney did his best with every job he took but never gave up his dream of becoming a cartoonist. Everything he did was towards a goal one can say he was a self made man with ambition and drive. Through out the chapters it chronologically documents the successes and disappointments of the artist and the businessman. The journey that Walt Disney took in order to succeed was one of many obstacles and personal setbacks.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Norman Rockwell

Norman Rockwell Norman Rockwell is a well known illustrator and artist. He proved to be very diverse and apt to drawing what he saw in the world. He would quote â€Å"I paint life as I would like it to be. If there were problems in this lifetime they were humorous problems.† This would go to show how Rockwell was funny and creative with every drawing. Rockwell was well known for his drawings in the Saturday Evening Post, which was a major magazine in the 1920’s. He was very successful when he was young and proved to be very successful as he got older. He lived a full and complete life full of drawings and major illustrations. Throughout this paper we will describe some of his artwork, tell you about his life, family, and major accomplishments he was able to receive and achieve in his lifetime. Norman Rockwell was bon on February 3, 1894 in New York City. His family resided in New York until Norman was nine then the family moved to Mamaroneck. Norman began taking weekly leave from high school while he was a freshman to attend the Chase School of Art on a part-time basis. He would leave high school for good as a sophomore to study art at the National Academy of Design. It wasn’t until 1911 that Rockwell would get his first assignment to illustrate a children’s book. In 1913 he was named art editor for Boy’s Life at just 19 years old. On May 20, 1916, he illustrated his first Saturday Evening Post cover which would be his big break into the business. By 1920 Rockwell was the Post’s top cover illustrator and by 1925 he had become a national name. By the time Rockwell was twenty-one he illustrated for such magazines as Life, Literary Digest, and Country Gentleman. Rockwell first marriage ended in 1930 and a year later he was remarried to Ma ry Barstow. They had three sons together, Jarvis, Thomas, and Peter. After Mary’s death in 1959, Rockwell remarried for a third time in 1961. He would remain married ... Free Essays on Norman Rockwell Free Essays on Norman Rockwell Norman Rockwell Norman Rockwell is a well known illustrator and artist. He proved to be very diverse and apt to drawing what he saw in the world. He would quote â€Å"I paint life as I would like it to be. If there were problems in this lifetime they were humorous problems.† This would go to show how Rockwell was funny and creative with every drawing. Rockwell was well known for his drawings in the Saturday Evening Post, which was a major magazine in the 1920’s. He was very successful when he was young and proved to be very successful as he got older. He lived a full and complete life full of drawings and major illustrations. Throughout this paper we will describe some of his artwork, tell you about his life, family, and major accomplishments he was able to receive and achieve in his lifetime. Norman Rockwell was bon on February 3, 1894 in New York City. His family resided in New York until Norman was nine then the family moved to Mamaroneck. Norman began taking weekly leave from high school while he was a freshman to attend the Chase School of Art on a part-time basis. He would leave high school for good as a sophomore to study art at the National Academy of Design. It wasn’t until 1911 that Rockwell would get his first assignment to illustrate a children’s book. In 1913 he was named art editor for Boy’s Life at just 19 years old. On May 20, 1916, he illustrated his first Saturday Evening Post cover which would be his big break into the business. By 1920 Rockwell was the Post’s top cover illustrator and by 1925 he had become a national name. By the time Rockwell was twenty-one he illustrated for such magazines as Life, Literary Digest, and Country Gentleman. Rockwell first marriage ended in 1930 and a year later he was remarried to Ma ry Barstow. They had three sons together, Jarvis, Thomas, and Peter. After Mary’s death in 1959, Rockwell remarried for a third time in 1961. He would remain married ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How Resins Protect Trees and Increase Tree Value

How Resins Protect Trees and Increase Tree Value Tree resin (along with other gum and latex fluids) plays an extremely important function in trees by rapidly sealing over wounds  used as introductory pathways by invading insects and fungal disease agents. Organisms that try to enter a tree via a wound can be flushed out, can become stuck and trapped in the seal and can be overcome by the resins toxicity. It is also thought that resins have high antiseptic qualities that prevent decay and that they also lower the amount of water lost from the plants tissues. In any event, consistent resin flow is essential to the continued health of most conifers. If you have regularly handled or touched the bark or cones of pine, spruce or larch, you know about the fragrant sticky resin they copiously ooze. That resin is contained in ducts or blisters that run through the bark and wood and diminish in size and number as they enter roots and needles. Hemlocks, true cedars, and firs have resin mainly restricted to the bark. Wound trauma to a tree can stimulate the production of traumatic resin canals that help in containing the injury and help in healing any resulting infection. Resin-laden blisters contained in the conifer secrete the light liquid, which immediately loses oils to evaporation and forms a heavy solid scab. It is interesting to note that this reaction to trauma by a tree is used in the manufacturing process of certain commercial resins and essential oils by stimulating resin flow by inflicting a purposeful injury or bark irritation (see tapping below). The production of resin is very common in nature, but only a few plant families can be considered of commercial importance to resin collectors. These important resin producing plants include the Anacardiaceae (gum mastic), Burseraceae (incense tree), Hammamelidaceae (witch-hazel), Leguminosae, and Pinaceae (pine, spruce, fir, true cedar). How Resins Are Formed, Collected, and a Little History Resins are formed as a product of the oxidation process of a trees escaping essential oils - also called volatile oils, ethereal oils or aetherolea. As already mentioned, the resin is usually stored in ducts or blisters and frequently oozes out through the bark to harden when exposed to air. These resins, as well as being critical to a trees health, can be commercially valuable when collected or tapped. Resinous concoctions have been used for millennia in the form of waterproof and protective coatings made by the ancients. Varnished objects have been found in Egyptian tombs and the use of lacquer in the practice of their arts has been used in China and Japan for centuries. The Greeks and Romans were familiar with many of the same resinous materials that we use today. It is the ability of tree resins to harden as essential oils evaporate that makes them necessary to the production of commercial varnishes. These resins are readily dissolvable in solvents like alcohol or petroleum, surfaces are painted with the solutions and as the solvents and oils evaporate, a thin waterproof layer of resin remains. Tapping is usually necessary in order to obtain a sufficient amount to be of commercial value but can also be extracted during the processing of a tree species for another product - pine resins and oils that can be collected during the paper pulping process. Commercial hard resins are also frequently mined and extracted from ancient fossil materials like copal and amber for varnish. It is important to understand that resins, unlike gums, are insoluble in water, but they are easily dissolved in ether, alcohol and other solvents and used in many products. Other Resin-Based Products Hard transparent resins, like copals, dammars, mastic, and sandarac, are mainly used for varnishes and adhesives. The softer odoriferous oleo-resins like frankincense, elemi, turpentine, copaiba and the gum resins containing essential oils (ammoniacum, asafoetida, gamboge, myrrh, and scammony) are more often used for therapeutic purposes and incense. Resin, Kraft or pine soap (one trade name is Pine Sol) is made by reacting resin acids in wood with sodium hydroxide. Kraft soap is a byproduct of the Kraft process for manufacturing wood pulp and used as a super strength cleaner for heavily soiled and greasy cleaning jobs. Resin in the form of rosin is applied to the bows of string instruments because of its ability to add friction to bow hairs to increase sound quality. It is used similarly in sports to provide tack to grip bats and balls. Ballet dancers may apply crushed resin to their shoes to increase grip on a slippery floor.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discuss the limitations of Becken and Simmons' (2008) approach to Essay

Discuss the limitations of Becken and Simmons' (2008) approach to yield analysis AND discuss ways in which their model might be developed further - Essay Example In tourism, yield can mean the profit or revenue incurred from hosting the different visitor types. In order to achieve sustainable yield, three dimensions; social, economic and ecological yields need to be combined to a single yield measure (Becken and Simmons, 2008). This has been shown to be impossible as there is no suitable methodology to merge these yields. Becken and Simmons (2008) further explained that the research focused on the financial aspect in terms of yield to measure the private sector tourism yield. To calculate the financial yield, the researchers used individual sectors like hotels that the tourists visited and did not consider the financial impacts of tourism on the societies, nations or the environment. Tourism has both the public and private components and as such it is difficult to assess tourism sustainability. This represents a limitation as it this mix is complex and difficult to cumulatively assess (Becken and Simmons, 2008). The research used the transport and accommodation details of the visitors to identify the tourist types. The types that were identified as a result were; backpackers, campers, home visitors, free independent travelers and coachers. Out of these, the researchers were unable to determine the tourist types of 16% of the sample and as a result, they excluded this number from the database (Becken and Simmons, 2008). This percentage represents a significant number of tourists and is therefore a significant loss for the research. According to Becken and Simmons (2008), the research also focused on the emission of carbon dioxide gas or greenhouse gas emission as the ecological only impact of tourism. This is a limitation, as they needed to assess other environmental impacts of tourism like the impact of tourism on ecological resources like water and soil conservation. Tourism has economic, environmental and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Essence of Memorable Tourism Experiences Essay

The Essence of Memorable Tourism Experiences - Essay Example The study attempts to show that there is a direct relationship between memorable tourism experiences and the number of tourists who visit a destination. This is through an exploration of the experiences of tourists and the elements of the visits that they make that ensure that they not only choose to return to a destination but also their ability to either recommend destinations through word of mouth to their friends and acquaintances. The study makes an examination of the experiences that are likely to have a positive effect on the memory and how this effect can be studied in a bid to develop information that can be useful to the tourism industry. Among the research questions that are being asked in this study is concerning the elements that can be considered to be the building blocks of memories. Furthermore, there is a question concerning what the triggers of memory are and what types of experiences ensure that these memories are retained. Another question that is asked is based on the methodical challenges that might be encountered when making a study of memories. Finally, the study attempts to develop an understanding of how practitioners in the tourism industry can work towards the development of memorable experiences for tourists. The main method of study that was put into use in the gathering of information was through interviews that were based on open-ended questions designed to ensure that the various dimensions of memory experiences were captured. Furthermore, it was found to be essential for the interviewer to ask questions in a predetermined order so that it could be determined whether the answer to a previous question could influence the one of the next. The data was collected from a Canadian University and it was based on the grounded theory in order to increase its efficiency and credibility.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

National Junior Honor Society Essay Example for Free

National Junior Honor Society Essay To be SCHA Queen would be a great accomplishment. I would be able to demonstrate my leadership skills and express my love for show and horses. As SCHA Queen, I would take great pride in being a spokesperson and representative for SCHA and be able to increase membership in SCHA. SCHA means a number of things to me. This was my first year, but I always looked forward to waking up and going out to ride. Another reason why SCHA means so much to me is it keeps me and my horse in shape for other things involving our riding career. Its always fun to see how much my horse changes and develops during the season, and even how I change throughout the season There’s no where to go but up, and that means improvement. SCHA has changed me by changing my attitude about competition. I’ve now learned that winning is not always everything. , it may sound cliche , but, everyone is a winner when you improve on anything. I also have become more confident horseman and I am able to push my horse to do his best. I have only been riding for about 3 years and SCHA has truly brought out my inner horseman. Now that I am more confident in my riding skills I try to teach my horse new things as well as teach myself. In addition to new skills and confidence I also made new friends. I met new people and learned some facts about riding I hadn’t known before. In general I am very shy and usually keep to myself, but this season has really taught me how to come out of my shell and talk to everyone. I now know that I can talk to anyone in the club and they will be more than glad to help me with anything I may need. A key part of being Queen would be helping others in SCHA. This would include encouraging others during their events and being a good sportsman. I can also give positive feedback about what a person is doing while riding, to help them in a way that they can ride better and be a better sportsman. To help others in SCHA I can share the knowledge I have learned in SCHA and my experience with horses. Just as other people have shared their knowledge with me, I can do the same for other people so the horse community can grow. My friends are always curious about what I do with horses and what SCHA is. I’m lways more than happy to share that information with them in hopes that they will be bit by the horse bug too. Â  As SCHA quee n I will bring a good values, leadership skills and a positive attitude to SCHA. It would mean a great deal to me to be able to represent SCHA at this level level.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparison Of Trade Rivalries :: essays research papers

The German-Great Britain trade rivalry like the U.S.-Japan trade rivalry involved a rising power cutting into the trade of an already dominant trading power. There were several causes of the German-Great Britain trade rivalry according to Hoffman. The first was German's industry's zeal in procuring new contracts and expanding markets. They did this by fulfilling contracts even if they were very small and constantly trying to stay up with market demand. Second, Germans had a knowledge of languages that the English firms lacked. Third, German industry was aided by their government. In contrast Great Britain did not even supply consular assistance in helping develop markets in British colonies. Fourth, British trade was hurt by the conservatism of British manufacturers who were unwilling to develop new markets or hold onto those it already possessed. These four factors are just some of the factors that helped German industry grow and rival that of Great Britain. These four factors are all very similar to the Japan-U.S. trade rivalry. Japan like Germany was able to catch up to the U.S. because the U.S. was large and arrogant and refused to believe it could face competition from Japan. Like Britain, U.S. industry believed that they could hold onto markets and would not face competition. British and U.S. industry were startled by the fast rate of growth and industrialization that allowed Germany and Japan to transform themselves quickly into trading rivals. This fast rate of growth also caused friction between both sets of countries. Relations between Germany and Great Britain were damaged as they bickered over markets in particular colonies in Africa . This is similar to the friction between the U.S. and Japan unfair trading practices and closed markets. Both the U.S. and Great Britain in response to losing markets toyed with the idea of economic nationalism and tariffs. As Britain lost markets to Germany many in Britain felt that Britain should adopt tariffs on goods while others known as the free traders believed that a free trade would benefit Britain by creating markets. This split between Tariff Reformers and Free Traders is similar to the split in the U.S. between those in favor of free trade and those opposed to it. Germany's grab for new markets in the 1890's through commercial treaties such as the 1891 treaty with Austria-Hungry is similar to both the United States and Japan's free trade zones with neighboring

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Effective Study Habits Worksheet

University of Phoenix Material Effective Study Habits Worksheet Respond to the following in 50 to 100 words each: 1. Describe your ideal study environment. I would describe my ideal study environment up in my home office away from everyone. A quiet place is where I can focus and concentrate on my assignement. I can brainstorm and jott my ideas freely when I am distraction free. I can usually complete my assignment in a timely manner when I am relaxed and comfortable. 2.List some of the distractions that might hinder your study progress or your performance in an online classroom. Some of the distractions that might hinder my study progress or performance from being in an online classroom are: watching television, listening to music, cooking dinner, eating dinner, children up and about, telephone ringing, visitors coming by home, and getting sleepy or not getting the proper rest will easily cause you to become distracted and unable to focus on your assignment. 3. What actions can you t ake to manage and eliminate distractions?The actions that I can to take to manage and eliminate distractions are: recording my favorite television shows for later playback, elimating distracting music, cooking/ eating dinner before beginning my homework, turning my telephone off and making sure that get the proper rest before sitting down to complete my assignments. 4. How will you apply your personal learning style? How does your personal Learning style affect your study habits? My personal learning style is somewhat complicated and complexed.I would say that my style is not structured because I really learn from doing. I am a very hands on learner so it is very challenging for me to understand just from reading/doing alone. I feel that my personal learning style can hinder my study habits because I am not in a classroom physically where I the instructor can demonstrate or teach in person. Whereas, I have to create ways for me to comprehend what I am learning myself. 5. List 5 effe ctive study strategies from this week that you will use.Explain why you selected them and why they are effective strategies for online learning. The strategies that I will use are visual, musical, verbal, logic and interpersonal. Visually I can take notes and create charts and timelines that will assist me highlighting important points. Music- I will incorporate music with my learning by allowing myself to medicate on music that relax me before actually starting my assignments. Verbal- I plan to read and ask questions from others that will assist me in understaning the lesson as well as provide feedback to others.Logic- I fell that I use the logic strategy a lot. I always apply my assignments to my real-life situations in order to comprehend what I am learning better. Interpersonal- This is one I feel that I am not that good at but plan to do my best at. Studying in groups is very new to me. I feel that it really is a great way to learn from others on their thoughts and views on a g iven assignment. 6. Identify one change you can make immediately to increase the effectiveness of your study habits. Explain how this will help you become more effective.One change that I can make immediately will be to utilize the logic method more efficiently. I feel that if I ask others more and interact more, then I would be able to express my thoughts and views on each assignment more better. I always feel that I would be embarrassed if I asked certain questions to my peers, so I don’t ask at all, then feel bad because I don’t know or feel somewhat confused about an assignment. I know that if I start utilizing this method more, then it would really increase my study habits.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Leaders in the States’ Rights Debate Essay

John Caldwell Calhoun was born the 4th child, and 3rd son, of Patrick and Martha Calhoun on March 18, 1782 in the backwoods of Abbeville, South Carolina. His father got really sick when he was just 17 years old. He was forced to quit school and work on the family farm. Eventually though with help from his brothers, he returned to school. He graduated with a degree from Yale College, Phi Beta Kappa, in 1804. After studying law at the Tapping Reeve Law School in Litchfield, Connecticut, he was admitted to the South Carolina bar in 1807. Calhoun married Floride Bonneau Calhoun, a first cousin once removed in January 1811. They had 16 children in 18 years. Three of the children died at birth. He settled his family in Pendleton, South Carolina, on a plantation that they named Fort Hill. He split his attention between his 3 loves politics, farming, and family. Although he did not have much, if any at all, charisma or charm, Calhoun was brilliant at public speaking and kept everything very organized, and after his election to Congress in 1808 he immediately became a leader of the â€Å"war hawks. † He became a State Representative in 1808 and in 1811 was elected United States Representative until 1817. From there he served as Secretary of War for President Monroe until 1825. Things heated up in the early 1830s over federal tariffs: Calhoun said that states could veto federal laws, earning him the nickname of â€Å"Arch Nullifier,† and Jackson threatened to use the army if South Carolina forced the issue. Calhoun than resigned as Jackson’s vice president, this was in 1832. He than became a U. S. senator, then briefly served as Secretary of State under President Tyler from 1844-1849. Finally he served in the Senate again until his death in 1850. Henry Clay was born to the Reverend John and Elizabeth Hudson Clay on April 12, 1777. He was the 7th of 9 children for his proud parents. He was born and raised in a half frame, 2 story house at the Clay homestead in Hanover County, Virginia. This was well above average home for a Virginia farmer of that time. His father, whom they called â€Å"Sir John† was a Baptist minister. He died four years after Henry was born. He left all the boys two slaves each and gave his wife eighteen slaves and 464 acres of land. It was not long before she married Capt. Henry Watkins, who loved his stepchildren like they were his own. Watkins packed up his family and moved them all to Richmond, Virginia. He and Elizabeth had seven children to add to the nine she had already her 1st husband John Clay. Henry soon was hired as a shop assistant in Richmond. His stepfather got Clay a guaranteed in the office of the Court of Chancery where he showed he had a good hand for the law. He made a friend by the name of George Wythe who had a bad hand. He hired Clay to be his secretary because of his neat handwriting. The chancellor decided Clay had a future and arranged a position for him with the Virginia attorney general Robert Brooke. Clay ended up in studies at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, studying under George Wythe. He received a formal legal education. Clay prepared for the bar, and was admitted in 1797. In 1803 Clay was elected to be the representative of Fayette County in the Kentucky General Assembly. Clay’s influence in Kentucky state politics was awesome enough that he elected by the Kentucky legislature into the Senate seat. He was elected the Speaker of the Kentucky House of Representatives in 1807. Than in 1810, United States Senator Buckner Thruston resigned and Clay was again appointed to fill his seat. He was in favor of strong state rights and very much against slavery but did want to save the union. Hence The Missouri Compromise. Robert Young Hayne was born on a rice plantation in St. Paul’s Parish, Colleton District, South Carolina on November 10, 1791. He studied at the Law Office of Langdon Cheves in Charleston, South Carolina. He was a respected American attorney, political leader, and spokesman for the South. In November 1812 he was admitted to the bar. He soon had his own large practice. During the War of 1812 against Great Britain, he was captain in the Third South Carolina Regiment. But that did not last very long. He was also a member of the South Carolina state legislature from 1814 to 1818. He served as Speaker of the House in the later year. He was the South Carolina attorney-general from 1818 to 1822. Than in 1823 was elected to the United States Senate. He was a Democrat. His first wife, Frances Henrietta Pinckney, passed away in 1820. After that he married Rebecca Brewton Alston, daughter of William Alston. Her father gave her a lot on lower King Street. Haynes built them a house on that lot. It remained in the family until 1863. Haynes is best remembered for his debate with Daniel Webster, where he set forth a doctrine of nullification. This said that by the power of the State itself, that the federal Tariff of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional and herefore null and void within the boundaries of South Carolina. He was completely against the Tariff of 1832 He was a member of the South Carolina Nullification Convention of November 1832, and reported that the nullification passed by that body on the November 24. After resigning from the Senate in 1832, he was Governor of South Carolina from December 1832 to December 1 834, and while in that position took a strong stand against President Andrew Jackson, though he was more conservative than many of the other people against it in his state. He was later president of the Louisville, Cincinnati & Charleston Railway from 1837 to 1839. Robert Young Hayne died in Asheville, North Carolina on September 24, 1839. His nephew, Paul Hamilton Hayne, was a poet who in 1878 published a book on the life of Senator Hayne. Andrew Jackson was born to Andrew and Elizabeth Hutchinson on March 15, 1767. This was only two years after they had emigrated from Ireland. He was born in the Waxhaws region. It is on the border of North and South Carolina. Jackson had two older brothers, Hugh and Robert. Their father died in an accident in February 1767, at the age of 29, three weeks before Jackson was born. The house that Jackson’s parents lived in is now preserved as the Andrew Jackson Centre and is open to the public. Jackson had a poor education in the local schools. At only 13 he joined a local militia as a courier during the American Revolutionary War. His oldest brother, Hugh, died from heat exhaustion during the Battle of Stono Ferry, on June 20, 1779. They other 2 boys were kidnapped by the British and held as prisoners. They were not given much food while locked away. Jackson refused to clean the boots of a British officer, the man slashed at the youth with a sword, giving him scars on his left hand and head, as well as an intense hatred for the British. They also got smallpox while being held. Their mother secured their freedom and Robert died just a few days later on April 27, 1781. His mother died from smallpox in November 1781. Jackson was left all alone at only 14. His entire immediate family had died from hardships during the war; he blamed the British. In 1781, Jackson worked for a time in a saddle-maker’s shop. Later, he taught school and studied law in Salisbury, North Carolina. In 1787, he was admitted to the bar, and moved to Jonesborough, North Carolina. Though his legal education was not the best, he knew enough to be a country lawyer on the frontier. Because he was not from a distinguished family, he had to prove himself. It didn’t take long before he prospered in the law world. He was a delegate to the Tennessee constitutional convention in 1796. When Tennessee achieved statehood Jackson was elected its U. S. Representative. In 1797, he was elected U. S. Senator as a Democratic-Republican. He resigned in less than a year. He served a judge in the Tennessee Supreme Court from 1798-1808. When he was elected president in 1829, and again in 1832, he was the very first President to invite the public to attend the White House ball honoring his first inauguration. Daniel Webster was born to Ebenezer and Abigail Webster on January 18, 1782 in Salisbury, New Hampshire. Him and his 9 other brothers a sisters were raised on his families farm, just a small piece of land belonging to his father. Daniel was not a healthy kid. Because of this his family tended to baby him. He was not made to do any farm work. He went to school at Phillips Exeter Academy, a preparatory school in Exeter, New Hampshire. After high school he attended Dartmouth College. After he graduated from Dartmouth he was apprenticed to the lawyer Thomas W. Thompson. Because of lack of money at home, Webster was forced to resign and become a schoolmaster. This was very common back than. In 1802 he became the headmaster of the Fryeburg Academy, Maine, for only one year. After this he left New Hampshire and got employment in Boston under the very well known attorney Christopher Gore in 1804. In 1805 Webster was accepted into the bar and returned to New Hampshire to set up a practice in Boscawen. Webster took an interest in politics. In 1813 he became a member of the U. S. House of Representatives of New Hampshire, where he served until 1817. He was the 14th US Secretary of State from 1841-1843. Afterwards he became a member of the U. S. House of Representatives of Massachusetts from 1823-1827. In 1845 he was elected Massachusetts United States Senator till 1850. Than he became the 19th U. S. Secretary of State from 1850-1852. Webster favored the union and federalism. He represented at least four clients against states’ interests before the US Supreme Court – and won every case.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Insects That Defend Themselves by Playing Dead

Insects That Defend Themselves by Playing Dead Insects use many defensive strategies to protect themselves from predators, from chemical sprays to bites or stings. Some insects take a more passive approach to self-defense, though, by simply playing dead. Thanatosis Predators quickly lose interest in dead prey, so insects that employ the strategy of playing dead (called thanatosis) can often escape unharmed. The act of feigning death often looks like a demonstration of stop, drop, and roll, as threatened insects let go of whatever substrate they happen to be clinging to and drop to the ground. They then stay still, waiting for the predator to give up and leave. Insects that evade predation by playing dead include certain caterpillars, ladybugs and many other beetles, weevils, robber flies, and even giant water bugs. Beetles of the genus Cryptoglossa are known by the common name death-feigning beetles. When trying to collect insects that play dead, its often easiest to place a collecting jar or beating sheet beneath the branch or substrate where youve found the insects.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Arabic Loanwords In English

Arabic Loanwords In English Arabic Loanwords In English Arabic Loanwords In English By Sharon The Arabic language has contributed hundreds of words to the English language by many different routes. Thats partly because in what my daughter likes to call the olden days (from around 700AD to the Middle Ages), the Arabic kingdoms had a great influence on Europe and the world. In part this was through colonisation, but there were also many great mathematicians, alchemists and astronomers. Of course, language development is not that simple. Not all the words that have entered English via Arabic originate from that language. Linguistically speaking, the Arabs borrowed as freely as they lent and their language included words originating from Spanish, Latin, Greek, Persian, Hebrew and many others. Many of the words start with the Arabic definite article al, which also appears in silent form without the l in words such as admiral. Heres a list of some of the common words that the Arabic language has bequeathed to English. admiral adobe alchemy via Greek alcohol the quintessence of earthly substances, originally from alchemy alcove algebra restoration of missing parts, later used in a 9th century mathematical book written by a Persian scientist whose name gave us algorithm almanac amber apricot arsenal factory assassin hashish user artichoke aubergine burnoose via Latin caliber carat via Greek checkmate coffee possibly from the name Kefa, where the coffee plant originates cotton divan elixir medicinal potion, via Greek gauze from the Persian for raw silk gazelle genie giraffe harem hashish henna jasmine from Arabic via French kohl lilac, from Persian for indigo lime loofah lute magazine storehouse mocha named after a city in Yemen monsoon mummy via Persian muslin nadir orange safari from Arabic via Swahili saffron sequin sugar tamarind tariff typhoon zenith zero Theres a fun quiz on Arabic loan words here and more words can be found here. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsAbstract Nouns from AdjectivesPreposition Mistakes #3: Two Idioms

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Macroeconomics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Macroeconomics - Term Paper Example It is therefore that investment that is made to obtain the lasting interest in a business that operates in an economy as opposed to that of the investor’s voice of having direct influence in the management. According to the United Nations World Investment report, Foreign Direct Investment is defined as an investment that involves relationship and a reflection of control of the foreign direct investor in an enterprise in a foreign affiliate. Long term differentiates FDI’s from the portfolio investments which are on a short term basis with insecurities turnover. It is no doubt that foreign direct investment acts as a catalyst for the economic transformation in a myriad of economies across the globe. One of the major benefits of foreign direct investment is that it provides finance for the acquisition of capital goods. It also facilitates the transfer of technology from relatively more advanced economies to less developed ones. It also results into the positive spillovers to the continental economy through various linkages with the local supplies, imitation, competition. However, it can also result into negative spillovers and therefore deteriorates growth in a country. This will make people fear from investing in the country given that it is possible of loosing. With the benefits stated, there has been an upsurge in the demand especially over the last two decades. Although the demand has increased, there has been a variation between and within regions. Up to 1980, the Caribbean and Latin America were the largest recipients of the FDIs. The situation changed in late 1980’s with the appetite being diverted to the Pacific and Asia countries. UNCTAD 2000) The two regions catered for the 85% of the FDIs injected to the developing countries. By 1998 Pacific received 46.3%, Latin America and the Caribbean 39% Central and Eastern Europe 10.2%, Africa 4.5% and Asia 2% of the total FDIs. A number of factors have influenced the distribution and the volu me of FDIs especially in developing economies. Some of these factors includes; political stability, favorable government regulatory policies, low level of corruption, low administrative costs, presence of good business environment, skilled labor force, physical infrastructure, interest rate, productivity and the cost of labor. The below section of the paper will focus on some of the circumstances under which foreign Domestic Investments can lead to a vicious cycle of economic development. Some of these factors are as discussed below; Stability in the financial system The development of a stable financial system of the recipient country is a necessary precondition for any FDI so as to influence growth and development in a country. A financial system which is developed will be more beneficial to the economy as opposed to less developed one. When the financial system is developed then it will be easy technological fusion in the economy. FDIs require enhanced financial system since the composition of inflows of foreign resources which raises domestic savings requires proper systems and therefore easy match in the economy. Finances which are entailed in the injection can also include the purchases which are made by the foreign direct investors, new investment of the profits by the foreign investment enterprises from the parent firm; they may

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Role of Marriage in Persuasion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Role of Marriage in Persuasion - Essay Example Austen was reared during the Victorian era and the role and status of women were extremely limited and stagnant. For example, women could not vote, they typically received an inferior education to their male counterparts and were limited to domestic occupations (Williams, 5). This is the context in which Persuasion was developed highlighting the prominent position that women have only two good choices in society - to get married or become a governess (Parkinson, 24). Though Austen acknowledges that marriage helps prevent loneliness and isolation, she also examines the failures of society’s perceptions of marriage which may create an intellectual isolation for women. This isolation that she recognizes, as Samuel Burchell tells us, is that â€Å"Jane Austen’s characters start in the primary condition of loneliness, pass through the difficulties of establishing the proper communication with others, and reach fulfillment in the symbolic union of marriage† (Burchell 1 49). Marriage is about many things in the Victorian society but it is rarely about love. For example, Anne's countenance is recognized by Captain Benwick in chapter 11 of Persuasion as it is he who found her "engaging mildness of her countenance, and gentleness of her manner" (Austen, 95) enough to instantly feel at ease; her brother-in-laws family, the Musgrove's, who claimed "We do wish that Charles had married Anne instead." (Austen, 84); and even the unacquainted cousin Mr. Elliot too had an instant attraction to Anne as he passed her during their stay in Lyme. Austen portrays Anne as essentially the epitome of goodness and kindness, but who isn't a very resistant person. She would more often than not succumb to the desires and needs to those around her in order to aid another or to keep the peace, as shown in chapter 4 when she allows Sir Walter and Lady Russell to dispel any notions of marriage to Captain Wentworth. It is this nature that is a desirable characteristic of a wom an and a wife. Wentworth's entire character is full of conservative resistance. The main resistance Wentworth tries to overcome is his desire for Anne and the entire story is based on his resistance to requesting her hand in marriage again. Early in the story, there is the sense of monotony about the standard way of life as Austen uses repetition in here writing to persuade the reader of that sense of boredom. For thirteen years had she been doing the honors, and laying down the domestic law at home, and leading the way to the chaise and four, and walking immediately after Lady Russell out of all the drawing-rooms and dining rooms in the country. (Austen, 6-7) As the passage continues, there is a sense then of the repetition as we see the same thing happening for a span of over 13 years. What Austen wants the reader to see is how things will never change unless something drastic happens. As long as they follow the same routine, they can fake being happy. Thirteen winters' revolving frosts had seen her opening every ball of credit which a scanty neighborhood afforded; and thirteen springs have shewn their blossoms, as she traveled up to London with her father, for a few weeks annual enjoyment of the great world. (Austen, 6-7) What is interesting about this passage is that Austen tends to avoid discussing the central character at the start of the novel and in this case, is the early pages center on the vanity of her father as well as his contempt for those beneath him.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example Looking beyond its main focus, I noticed the aesthetics of the image seemed to portray very boring features. In the background every color is a black, neutral white, or beige. The curtains to the left of the image have dark shadows and are grey and tan. The bed sheets and both pillows lying on the bed are a neutral white. The walls that surround the room are blank without any clocks or portraits. In the top right corner of the image the BMW logo is printed in white. The man and woman’s hair are dark brown. Even the bra that the woman wears is a simple black. Every color scheme of the ad makes it seem not so appealing. The only thing visually appealing on an aesthetic level about this ad is the picture of the BMW that is colored in red. The color red is very bold and is a color that most people will notice first and remember. The red car stands out on the page because every other image in the ad is colorless. This way the car becomes the main focus of the man in the ad as well as to someone who is looking at it. The balance of this image is centered. The man is at the top of the bed on top of the woman, and in the middle of the image. The text is also in the center of the image. This forces the viewers to absorb the image and text first before becoming aware of the BMW logo. This is because the image and text are the ads main focus. ... Though the room consists of dull colors it resembles a high-class lifestyle. The walls are spotless and the sheets are completely white and clean. The room environment suggests the man and woman are financially stable because they are not in a room filled with trash, dirty clothes, or any markings what so ever. It is extremely clean and modern. The sheets are not wrinkled, nor are there any visible stains. This image suggests the lifestyle of people who own BMWs and can resemble the marketers’ target audience. The target audience is to those men who can afford to buy an attractive luxury car. As I moved from its aesthetics and began to analyze the context of this image, I noticed heavy sexual connotations. The image is so vulgar that at a first glance, one might mistake it for an ad selling condoms. The ad shows an attractive man and what seems to be an attractive woman lying in bed. The man is wearing nothing from the waist up and the woman has on a tiny bra. The man is on to p of the woman while she lays perfectly strait underneath him. The fact that the man is on top of her suggests he is in a position of power. The image places men as the dominating sex. He then stares engagingly down at what would be the woman’s face. The woman wraps her hands around the man’s neck bringing him closer to her. Covering the woman’s face is a magazine with an image of a BMW. The ad then reads â€Å"The ultimate attraction† in plain font. The woman in the ad is only being used for her body. Covering her face while the man’s is shown suggests that the woman’s face is not of equal importance. Also because she does not show any effort to argue, the situation suggests that the woman is compliant and submissive. The image degrades women in the sense that it

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Exploratory research

Exploratory research Exploratory Exploratory research is usually carried out when problem is not well identified or it has not been visibly defined as yet, or its real scale is as yet unclear. It allows the research person to collect the information as much as possible relating to a specific problem. Exploratory research helps conclude the best research design, data collection methodtechnique and selectionchoice of subjects, and sometimes it even concludesconcluderesults that the problem does not existbe present. Exploratory research is quite informalcasual, when it relying on secondary researches such as reviewing available literature, data, or qualitative approaches such as informal discussions with consumerscustomers, employees, management or competitorscompetitoropponents, and more formal approaches through in-depthin depth interviews, focus groups, projective methods, case studies or pilot studies (Yin, 1994). Explanatory This is a research type in which the primary goalobjective is to understand the naturetemperament or mechanisms of the relationship between the independent and dependent variable. This approach is used when its is necessary to show that one variable causescauses or determines concludes the value of other variable. This research is good to use when there is no clearunambiguous apprehension about what model that should be used and what qualities and relations that is importantsignificant (Zikmund, 1994). Descriptive Descriptive research is used to obtainget information concerning the currentpresent status of the phenomena to describeexplain what exists with respect to variables or conditions in a situationstate. Descriptive research is used when the objectivegoal is to provide a systematic description defination that is as factual and accurateexact as possible or when the problem is well structuredordered and there is no intentionobjective to investigatestudy cause/effect relation. It provideprovidess you the number of occurrencestimes something occurshappens, or frequency, lends leads itself to statistical calculationscalculationcomputation such as determining calculating the average number of occurrences or central tendencies (Yin, 1994). One of its major limitationsrestrictions is that it can not help determineconclude what causes a specific occurrence, behavior, or motivation or occurrence. We can say thatIn other words, it cannot establishcreate a causal research relationship betweenamong variables. My research purpose and research question reveal that this study is mainlyfor the most part exploratory. It is exploratory because the data has been collected through questionnaires and unstructured interviews and questionnaires to explore the issues that influence Pakistani community intentions to adopt Internet banking services. Research Approach There are two basic types of research approaches, qualitative and quantitative. In the quantitative approach, resultsoutcomes are based on numbers and statistics and numbers that are presented in figures, whereas in the qualitative approach where focus lies on describing an eventoccurrence with the use of words. Although this research on adoption of Internet banking services adoption in Pakistan is not very extensive as compared to discussiondebate of the benefits, most of the concepts in this study have been occasionallyrarely examined before, but mostlygenerally in the western context. Only a littleslight research covers usually Singapore, Hong Kong or China, which are very developed economies and not representativeenvoys of all Asian countries. Thusso to gain deeper understanding of the issues in the Pakistani context, this research is conducted as a qualitative study to explore the perception of internet banking in Pakistani community. The Usinge of this approach provides richer and forensic detailsparticulars for exploring viewpoints in the early stage of research. Hence the aimintend is not to make any simplification, but instead establishset up a closer contact with the objectives of priorpreceding research, which intendhave it in mind to provide us a deeper understanding of the participants attitudes and perceptions. Finally my intentionobjective with this research is to describe, and explore, and find complete and detailed information about the issues of Internet banking adoption in Pakistan, so quantitative qualitative approach is the most suitable method for my research. Research Strategy Research strategy is a generalbroad plan which shows that in which wayhow this research will go on, and how researcher person will answers the questions that has been set by the person conducting the researcher. It will containhave clear objectives, derived from research question that specify the source from which researcher person intendbe going to to collect data and consider the constraintsconstraintlimitations that research peopleers will inevitably have such as access to data like , time, location and money, ethical issues (saunders, 2000). Qualitative research can be conductedconductcarried out using severalquite a few strategies including: case study, experiments, surveys, histories, and analysis of archival information (Yin, 1994). Following are the short descriptionexplanation of above five research strategies: Case Study Case study refers to the collection and presentation of detailedthorough information about a particularspecific participant or small group of participants. A case study is a written descriptionexplanation of a problem or situation and typicallynormally examines the interplay of all variables in order tofor providinge ass complete an understanding of an event or situation as possible. Case study is preferredideal when the researcher has littleslight control over the events, and when there is a contemporaryup to date focus within a real life context. The purposerationale of a case study is to place participants in the role of decision- makers, asking them to distinguishdifferentiate relevant from unimportant facts, to identify central alternatives among severalnumerous issues competing for attention, and to formulateprepare strategies and policy recommendations (Yin, 1994). Experiments The experimental method involves manipulating one variable to determinedecide if changes in one variable causeground changes in another variable. This method reliesdepends on controlled methods, random assignment, and the manipulation of variables to test a hypothesis. This strategy is used when the researcher person need to comparecontrast two variables and examine their cause and effect relationships (Malhorta, 1996). Survey Its a research technique in which information is collectinged by interviews with a largehuge number of respondents using a pre-designed questionnaire (Zikmund, 1994). This research technique has three important characteristics: Purpose: The purpose of survey research is to generate quantitative descriptions of some characteristics of the population in study. Survey analysis may be mainly related either with associations between variables or with projecting results descriptively to a pre-defined population (Yin, 1994). Basically Survey research is a quantitative approach, calling for standardized information about and/or from the subjects being studied. The subjects under study might be individuals, groups, organizations or communities; they also might be projects, applications, or systems. Procedure: The most important way of collecting information is by raising people structured and predefined questions. Answers of questions given by people, which might refer to themselves or some other unit of analysis, comprises the data to be analyzed (Yin, 1994). Analyses: Information is usually collected about only a portion of the population under study, but information is collected in such a way as to be able to take a broad view the whole population. Usually, the sample is huge enough to allow broad statistical analyses. History This method is deals with the past, and is in used when none of the relevantconcerning persons are alive to interview or report (Yin, 1994). This method is specificallyspecially used to describe the content, structure and function of the data which collected for the research. Analysis of Archival Information The purpose of this techniquemethod is to describeexplain the incidence or prevalencepervasiveness of a phenomenon (Zikmund, 1994). The use of the archival information is difficult when this topic is coming research area. The following table displaysdisplaydemonstrates the conditions that need to be addressed when determiningshaping on a strategy. Most importantsignificantconsiderable condition for selecting research strategy is to identifycategorize the type of research question being asked. Based on the research question what that I set for this research, I have chosen to follow case study and survey research strategy, because this research is not dependentreliant on a single critical, extreme, uniqueexclusive or revelatory case. Sample Selection Sampling is a survey- based research where researcher persons needs to analyze the sample about a population toin order to answer the research questions or meetmeetsfulfill meet the research objectives (Saunders, 2000). Once the problem has been carefullyvigilantly defined, the researcher person needs to establishset up the sample that will outlinesketch out the investigation to be carried out. It is necessary for researcher person to clearly define the target population from whom the specific sample will be taken. Sampling is importantsignificant if budget cost and time constraints preventstops research from surveying the entire population. Sample gives higher level of accuracy and fast accurate result. Occasionally, the whole population will be adequatelysufficiently small, and the research person can take account of the entire population in the study. This kind of research is named a census study since data is collected on each member of the population . Generally, the population is quite large for the research person to attempt to survey the entire of its members. A small, but vigilantly chosen sample can be used to symbolize the population. The sample represents all of the characteristics of the population from which it is taken out. Sampling technique can be classified into two types (Saunders, 2000): Probability Sampling Non-Probability Sampling Probability sampling While using In probability sampling, the sample is selectedion is done in such a way that each every unit of the population has a known probability of getting selected.within the population has a known chance of being selected. It is this conceptperception of known chance that allows permits for the statistical projection of characteristics features based on the sample tof the population (Saunders, 2000). The benefit of probability sampling is that sampling error can be intended. Sampling error is the amount to which a sample might be different from the population Probability method includes. Random sampling Systematic sampling Stratified sampling Non-Probability Sampling While using In non- probability sampling, the selection of the sample is selected done in such a way that the chancepossibility of being selected offor each unit withinin the population is unknown. In deedfact, the selectionprocess of choosing of the subjects is random or subjective, since the researcher person relies on his/her experience, gut feeling and judgment. As a resultConsequently, there are no statistical techniquestechniqueprocedures that allowpermit for the measurement of sampling error, and the amount to which the sample variesdiffers from the population remains unknown and therefore it is not appropriatesuitable to project the sample characteristicsdistinctiveness to the population (Saunders, 2000). Non-probability includes: Convenience sampling Judgment sampling Quota sampling Snowball sampling Convenience sampling Convenience sampling is used in investigative research where the research person is concerned in getting a low-priced approximation of the reality. As the name shows, the sample is chosen because they are convenient. This non-probability technique is time and again used during preliminary research times to get a gross approximation of the results, without increasing the cost or time required to choose a random sample (Saunders, 2000). Judgment sampling Judgment sampling is a common non-probability technique. The research people choose the sample depending on judgmental approach. This is generally an addition of convenience sampling. For example, a research person may make a decision to draw the complete sample from one representative city, albeit the population comprises all cities. When using this method, the research person must be in no doubt that the selected sample is accurately representative of the whole population (Saunders, 2000). Quota sampling Quota sampling is the non-probability the same of stratified sampling. Like stratified sampling, the research people first recognizes the stratums and their magnitude as they are symbolized in the population. Then convenience or judgment sampling is used to choose the necessary quantity of subjects from every stratum. This diverges from stratified sampling, where all of the stratums are filled by random sampling (Saunders, 2000). Snowball sampling Snowball sampling is a special non-probability technique used when the preferred sample attribute is exceptional. It may be extremely difficult or unaffordable to find respondents in these situations. Snowball sampling depends on referrals from starting subjects to produce additional subjects. Whereas this technique can noticeably reduce the research costs, it comes at the cost of bringing in bias because this method by itself decreases the likelihood that the sample will symbolize a good cross-section from the population (Saunders, 2000). Sampling in qualitative research involves two actions; (Miles and Huberman 1994): Setting of boundaries: To define aspects of cases that we can study and connecting it directly to the research question. Creation of frame: to help us uncover, confirm, or qualify the basic process or constructs that strengthen our study Non-probability (convenience) sampling has been chosen for this research because we have targeted the Pakistani community which is dealing with the banks. Sampling procedure Sampling The process of sampling involves using large number of items or parts of subsets of population to make conclusion regarding the whole population. The purpose of sampling is to estimate some unknown characteristics of population. Population Population is any complete set of group of object. Like people, stores, students, industries etc. Sampling frame A sampling frame is the listing of the elements from which the actual sample will draw. Keeping the research in view we will draw the sampling frame as under. Population is the people of Pakistan having bank accounts, we narrow down our study only to Punjab province Sampling frame will be the major cities of Punjab like Lahore, Multan, Faisalabad, and Sahiwal. Keeping in view the time and cost available for the research we have narrowed down the research only to four major cities of Punjab. Data Collection Methods As data collection method is highly influenced by the methodology, which is chosen (Saunders and Thornhill, 2000), questionnaire are used to collect the empirical data for this research in order to identify the issues that affect the adoption of Internet banking services in Pakistan. As this researchs main concern is examining the issues that have influence on the adoption process of Internet banking in Pakistan, the questionnaire are designed based on the requirements for adopting such a service Questionnaire The questionnaire consists of three pages and twenty questions (Appendix A). It has different type of questions including open end question, close ended questions and multiple questions. It was designed to capture all the segments of community which uses the banking services. Validity and Reliability In order to reduce the possibility of getting incorrect answers, attention needs to be paid to validity and reliability (Saunders et al., 2003). Validity Validity is concerned with whether the findings are really about what they appear to be about (Saunders et al., 2003). Validity defined as the degree to which data compilation method or methods correctly measure what they were anticipated to measure (Saunders et al., 2003). Yin (1994) stateys in these words, no singlesolo source has a completeabsolute advantage over all of the all others (P.85). The different sourcessources of different types are highly complementary, and as many sources as possible should be used for a good case study should use as many sources as possible. The usage of various sources of evidence can increases the validity of scientific studyThe validity of a scientific study increases by using various sources of evidence (Yin, 1994). The following steps were taken to ensure the validity of this research: The needed data was collected in the format of a structured questionnaire that had been designed based on the literature related to adoption of innovation. The questionnaires were pre-tested. A pilot test was conducted with the questionnaire. Reliability According to Saunders et al. (2003), reliability refers to the extent to which data collection method or methods will produce consistent results, analogous observations would be made or results reached by other research persons or there is clearness in how sense was made from the unprocessed data. Reliability can be assed by the following three questions: Will the measure yield the same results on other occasions? Will other observers reach similar observation? Is there precision in the method how sense was made from the unprocessed data? The role of reliability is to minimize the errors and biases in a study (Yin (1994). This means that reliability is to demonstrate that the operations of the study, such as the data collection procedures, can be repeated with the same result. Saunders et al. (2003) asserts that there may be four threats to reliability. The first of these is subject of participant error, which means that a questionnaire may generate a different result at different times of the week. The second threat to reliability is subject or participant bias, which is when interviewees may have been saying what they thought their bosses, wanted them to say. Third, there may have been observer error that different interviewer may approach the questions in different ways. Finally, there may have been observer bias, which means that there may have been different approaches to interpreting the replies. The work with this thesis started with a considerable literature study. The literature I came across (mainly articles) was from several authors and often had Internet banking and adoption of e-banking topics, which meant that I covered the area of Internet banking surroundings. This would suggest that bias, form reading only one author and reading only about one topic, be held at a minimum level. Widersheim-Paul and Eriksson (1997) describe some other erroneous belief that is to be avoided in order to attain high reliability. One of these is measuring error, which in turn consists of respondent errors, gauging errors and errors that are effect of interplay between the interviewer and the respondent. As I used a questionnaire, this latter error was avoided in advance. The respondent errors are such errors that are due to the fact that respondents sometimes are unable or unwilling to provide truthful answers. In order to minimize effects of this kind of errors, I found it necessary to be careful about the language and the wording. Furthermore, the use of wording in the questionnaire was of major concern to avoid ambiguous or emotional charged formulations. The chosen wording and language was simple, direct and as far as possible without technical terms. The gauging errors arise when a questionnaire entails erroneously formulated question, wrong order of question etceteras (Widersheim-Paul and Eriksson, 1997). The order of the questions was also subject to analysis and it was found to be suitable to have a disposition where the initial questioning concerned facts that the respondents easily could give an answer to. Numbers of different steps were taken to ensure the reliability of the study: Case studies were used during the data collection. The same type of questions were asked from companys respondent in order to increase the reliability Since the generalization is not the purpose of the study, multiple cases have been used to increase the degree to which the findings can be the same. It might be possible to get the same result on the findings to a larger number of similar cases. The theories that have been selected for the study were clearly described and research questions have been formulated based on the previous theory. Data has been collected based on the research model that was drawn from the discussed theories. The objective is to make sure that if another investigator will follow the same procedures and used the same case study objects, the same conclusions would be made. Study A pilot test of the questionnaire was carried out. All the test respondents filled in the questionnaire and their opinions how they felt about filling in the questionnaire. The test was followed by many revisions, before it was sent to respondents. After refining some questions and items within the questions, the second pilot study was run and asked respondents to check for the wording, coverage, relevancy of the items listed within the questions. Finally, at this stage little modifications were needed and finally, the well-improved questionnaire was developed. By using these tools (reliability, validity and pilot study) I can further analyze the data that the respondents provided me in a more accurate way. Data Analysis Data analysis can be defined as consistingconsistent of three concurrent flowsflowstreams of activity: data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification (p.10) by Miles Huberman (1994). Data reduction should not be considered thought to be separate from analysis, but a part portion of it. Data reduction stage of the analysis helps the researcher to make the data sorted, sharpen, sorted, focused, organized and discarded, and organized in order to be able to draw and verify conclusion (ibid.). The data reduction stage of the analysis helps the researcher to make the data sharp, sorted, focused, discarded, and organized in order to be able to draw and verify conclusions. The data display is a way to organize and compress the reduced data so that it will make it easier to draw conclusions. This phase is useful when the researcher studies more than one case, a so-called multiple case. In the conclusion drawing and verification the researcher notes regularities, patterns, explanations, possible configurations, casual flows and propositions. Data analysis involves examining, categorizing, tabulating or otherwise recombining the collected data (Yin, 1994). Every investigation should have a general analytical strategy in order to determine what to analyze and why. Two general strategies are suggested. The researcher can either follow the theoretical propositions that led to the case study or develop a descriptive framework to organize the case study. Within these strategies, there are four different techniques for analyzing the collected data. The first is pattern matching, which means to compare an empirical based pattern with a predictable one. The second technique is explanation building, which refers to a kind of pattern matching where the goal is to analyze the case study data by building an explanation about the case. The third is time-series analysis that refers to repeated measures of the dependent variable/variables in order to look at changes over time. The last technique is to use program logic models, which is a combination of pattern-matching and time-series analysis where the analysis specifies a complex chain of patterns over time. Data analysis of this thesis is based on the three steps defined by Miles Huberman (1994) i.e., data reduction, data display and conclusion. After completing the data collection I have organized the data for every case study based on the issues that has been selected from research model according to the research question and literature review. Within-case analysis I compared the findings of each case based on my research question and issues that selected from research model. Furthermore, I conducted a cross-case analysis to compare the different case study in order to find the resemblance and variation between the cases.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Hate Crimes Essay -- essays research papers

Hate Crimes I. What are Hate Crimes A. Definitions for Hate Crimes B. Counting Hate Crimes 1. White Power 2. Black Power II. Examples of Hate Crimes A. Hate Crime penalties III. Reasons for Hate Crimes Even though Hate Crimes have been around in the past, and have been most certainly been more violent in the past. Hate Crimes are most certainly still a problem in today's society, but it is not dealt with the same violent manner as previously performed in the past. There are still violent acts done out of hate, but the battle has been a lot more words. Hate crimes are a serious problem in today's society. In this paper, three topics will be discussed. (1) What are Hate Crimes, (2) Examples of Hate Crimes, and (3) Reasons for Hate Crimes. Hate Crimes are crimes done out of severe anger, ignorance, and lack of knowledge about other's ideas and beliefs. Racism is a belief that one or more races is superior to others. Prejudice is prejudging others. "Gordon Alport, a professor at Emeritus of Psychology at Harvard University and an expert at prejudism defines prejudice as.. `a hostile attitude toward a person who belongs to a group, simply because he belong to that group, and therefore presumes to have the objectable qualities ascribed to that group'(Lang)23" The most common way prejudice works is by stereotyping people, that is putting everyone form the same ethnic group t...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Extended commentary of ‘The Pine Planters’ by Thomas Hardy Essay

On the Title: A simple reference to the characters described in the first part of the poem. Overall, though, it refers to an earlier work by Hardy, named ‘The Woodlanders’. Marty South – note the lack of explicit gender reference in the name – is a character from ‘The Woodlanders’ whose thoughts are expressed in an odd, stream-of-consciousness-esque reverie. Hardy is interested in the melancholy of both human relationships and within nature; the lack of meaning he can find in natural suffering. Overall Structure: Hardy splits the poem into two parts, with two very different structural styles: 1. Part I takes a ballad form; 8 English quatrains with a mostly ABCB rhyme scheme, but with the occasional use of an alternate scheme when emphasis is required. Hardy uses very simple language throughout this stanza – the images presented are equally so. 2. Part II contains three stanzas of 12 lines, with an alternate rhyme scheme. Consequently, the poem loses its sense of ballad and, as the lines increase in length, becomes more abstract and ‘deep’. This allows for an increased intensity, both in the content and exploration of the images produced. It allows for no more emotive punctuation either! Despite being linked in content, the two parts have very different structural nuances. Difficult Language Notes: â€Å"Halt and hoary† is an archaic phrase for ‘old and grey’. Themes: Nature’s lament, Man and Nature, Relationships Notes on Part I The poem must be discussed separately, in terms of its parts, before comparing the two. However, Hardy writes in such short stanzas that analysing each one would be pointless, yet the meaning behind Hardy’s ‘Part I’ is described very gradually. Therefore, a summary: Hardy writes, in the first person, of a couple who work in forestry. It is assumed that the persona is female (or otherwise homosexual, which would present an interesting perspective) and is called ‘Marty South’ – in this case, the ambiguous name is quite certainly female. South is a character originating, as mentioned before, from Hardy’s earlier work ‘The Woodlanders’. South is engaged in a relationship with a partner upon whom she dotes, but is slighted due to the male’s ‘wandering eye’. South ‘writes’ to explain his apparent indifference towards her. However, Hardy uses this idea of suffering (in relationships) and applies it, in Part II, to the trees that the pair plant. In Detail: Relative movement of the two characters is of great importance to Hardy – or rather, the fact that the persona doesn’t move and therefore suffers the cold of the ‘blast and breeze’. This is made clear, along with the setting for her predicament, in the first stanza; â€Å"He fills the earth in/ I hold the trees†. The woman has no mobility. This is made clearer in the second stanza; â€Å"what I do/ Keeps me from moving/ And chills me through.† More importantly, though, â€Å"he does not notice†. This simple observation of a married man not noticing his wife’s routine suffering (suffering, as it is later revealed, which is endured only to be near him.) is shocking to the reader. The wife is made initially into a tragic beast of burden – this lack of physical motion will eventually come to represent her inability to achieve any motion in life. Hardy deliberately utilises the understatement and plainness of speech to accentuate this fact. In the next stanza, he reveals why. â€Å"He has seen one fairer†. Again, utilising understatement, Hardy introduces (in a noticeably less ‘fixed’ reality) a third figure to the poem – the male’s true love interest. Hardy, by portraying such a betrayal from the victim’s eyes (as well as condemning the male to interest based upon attractiveness alone) again achieves a sense of sympathy from the reader. The male’s â€Å"eye†¦ skims me as though I were not by.† Apart from the obvious sense of being ignored, Hardy’s use of ‘skims’ is particularly effective in emphasizing the male’s partial glimpse of his partner. [Add. Note: The last line of each stanza is somewhat contracted, drawing attention to it. It is therefore noticeable that each ‘4th line’ features an emotive sentiment – all express revealing elements of the characters’ relationships. This is equally accentuated through the rhyme scheme, which draws both the 2nd and 4th lines together.] Hardy’s key emphasis next is that â€Å"since she passed here† the male has thought only of (the new) ‘her’ and the forest; â€Å"the woodland hold him alone.† Equally, the persona is busy with her thoughts – presumably in the form of this reverie! This stanza’s final line is particularly noticeable through its contraction. On a different note, there is an element of complaint in the persona’s tone; she â€Å"never win[s] any small word of praise!† This highlights a coming theme, in that the pair fail to talk to each other at all. They are both equally silent with their thoughts and he, as above, never offers praise – nor, it seems, any verbal or emotional contact. What makes the relationship tragic is that she makes no effort either: The final two stanzas of the first part require more focussed analysis, as they begin to move to action on the part of Marty – or rather (as it may be) to further inaction. â€Å"Shall I not sigh (1) to him That I work on Glad to be nigh to him (2) Though hope is gone (3)? Nay, though he never Knew (4) love like mine, I’ll bear it ever (5) And make no sign (6)!† Desperation, along with paradoxical pleasure, dominates Hardy’s final stanzas: ‘sighing’ has always been a poetic expression of desperation, enforced by the visible expression of hopelessness (3). One therefore questions Marty’s judgement; if she is aware that her relationship with her male partner has been afflicted to its present demise (an argument further supported by the use of the past tense at (4)) then why does she stay there? Why is she unable to move herself physically, emotionally or verbally from her fixed spot? She is like the tree which she plants; immovable but suffering because of it. Much as one can muse upon Hardy’s own Modernist views (see the previous poem for the question of Modernist principles upon human suffering) on the matter, the persona suggests a very simple answer – see (2). She still loves the male. This creates a scenario – an immovable object, enduring suffering, refuses to resign from desperation because Nature/emotion has dictated it must stay – which is passed on to Part II. [Note the irony of the persona: she says, through the medium of literary suspension, that she can make no sign. But we are reading it†¦ She’s making a sign, therefore†¦ So, perhaps Marty South’s Reverie is her paradoxical sign?]

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Personal Troubles

When our country goes into a recession and Jobs have to get cut that is out of the individuals control. It isn't their fault a company has to lay people off due to lack of money. Also you see things like the cost of living and healthcare which are very expensive for people to afford right now. A lot of people have a Job and work hard and still can't afford healthcare or a a decent home. That Is my understanding of the public Issues. Things that happen in the country that Is a bad break for people. My understanding of personal Issues is things that happen to certain individuals such as n Injury or Illness, another thing out of their control.People get hurt and can't work and that results In a lower standard of living for them and their family. Also some personal issues can be controlled such as when someone wants to get another job or quit their job. Some get fired for not performing well, this is something they could have controlled and as a result are now in poverty. It goes both wa ys there are way people get into poverty that are Just out of their control and some ways some of these people could have prevented. In many ways â€Å"personal troubles† and â€Å"public issues† go hand in hand when it comes to poverty.Often times public issues can cause personal troubles. For example, a factory closing In a small town is a public Issue, affecting the city government and citizens of the town. The closing of a factory will cause personal troubles for the workers who are now unemployed. Personal troubles and public Issues can both lead to poverty. Factors that lead to poverty that can be controlled by an individual could be how they spend/save the money that they earn. A person that makes a argue income, for example, might not be good at investing their money into the needs of their family and waste it instead, bringing them into poverty.On the other hand, a family with a lesser income who save and spend wisely may be considered â€Å"middle-class†. Factors that are beyond an individual's control might include war, the country's economy, no available Jobs, and catastrophes (hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. ). Sociological Imagination Is the link between â€Å"personal troubles† and â€Å"public Issues†. To understand this you must understand the connection between the two Issues. Personal troubles describes the character of an Individual and what social Issues are affecting him or her directly.Public issues are matters that can't be controlled by the contribute to poverty that an individual can control are; controlling spending tendencies, get an education to help get Jobs, and living in an affordable area. Factors that are beyond the individuals control are; prices of necessary life demands such as food, clothing shelter, and taxes. Both of these factors contribute to poverty because the personal troubles of one person will eventually lead to public issues. An example loud be a individual who gets fired for not having the appropriate skills brings up the societies unemployment rate.After thoroughly learning about Sociological Imagination it is clear that you must understand what public issues is and personal troubles is. Public issues are problems that come up that you can't control. And it does not only affect you as an individual but the society as a whole. Personal troubles are problems that society creates that affect you as an individual. Many times public issues and personal troubles are linked together. In response to Poverty in the US there are many resistances where the public issues create personal troubles on an individual.For example, if a company goes out of business and goes bankrupt then everyone in that company is now unemployed. That is something they had no control over and now it's a personal trouble for them. I think that a personal problem pertaining to poverty could be someone who doesn't manage or invest his or her income well. If an injury were to happen and they do n't have enough money to cover it, I think that would be something they could have prevented. You can prevent an injury and you can also learn how to deal with your money better.